Project task
PhD student in workpackage: Successful and sustainable implementation of SMART-AGE technology
Use and acceptance of digital technology in older age, quantitative data analysis, mixed-methods research
Nicole Memmer studied Sociology (Bachelor and Master) at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg. During her studies, she worked at GESIS in Mannheim in the field of data preparation and data analysis. As a student assistant in the HeiAge project at the Network for Aging Research of Heidelberg University, she developed a special interest in gerontology. In her master's thesis "Acceptance and Use of Information and Communication Technology and Assistive Technologies of Older People" she deepened her interest. Since April 2021 she has been employed as a doctoral student in the Smart Age project and is conducting research on potentials and barriers of the sustainable implementation of intelligent assistive systems to support social connectivity and participation in older age. In her research, she focuses particularly on generational and socio-structural factors.